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Exploring Medical Language, 7th Edition - A Student-Directed Approach By Myrna LaFleur Brooks, BEd, RN 880 pages 335 ills Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in Copyright 2009 Description Master the medical terminology you'll need for success in the health care with this unique, objective-based approach! Focused entirely on medical terminology and vocabulary, this trusted text helps you understand complex medical terms with a proven step-by-step strategy, building each word from its foundation. With a logical, body-systems organization and engaging terminology exercises throughout, it's your key to communicating confidently and effectively with other health care professionals. Key Features Systematic approach to terminology prepares you to recognize and define new words as you encounter them and build the medical vocabulary you'll need in the health care setting. Pronunciation key provides quick access to frequently referenced material. Complimentary and Alternative Medicine terms boxes highlight words and phrases associated with this increasingly popular discipline. Case studies encourage critical thinking and demonstrate how to apply the information you've learned. Terminology flash cards, included with every book, give you valuable review and self-assessment tools you can take anywhere for study on the go. Evolve resources enhance your learning and reinforcement opportunities with additional exercises, a Spanish/English glossary, and the Body Spectrum Electronic Anatomy Coloring Book. Medical Terminology Online, available at an additional charge, gives you access to a complete online course for the most advanced learning and understanding. New to this Edition New terms and abbreviations familiarize you with the latest terminology in use in health care. New images and illustrations visually acquaint you with pathologic information and procedures you'll encounter in the clinical setting. Enhanced chapter features highlight important concepts and provide guidance for more effective learning and study. CD references within the text direct you to expanded learning opportunities on the companion CD. More than 20 new medical records let you practice medical terminology using the forms you'll encounter in the clinical setting. New icons make it easy to distinguish a variety of helpful boxes and reference the material you need quickly. Answers to review exercises help you gauge your strengths and weaknesses and configure the most effective study plan for you. Website boxes refer you to valuable content you can access online for further learning. Revised pharmacy appendix helps you easily reference key pharmaceutical terms. The vastly updated companion CD provides fun alternatives for reinforcing what you've learned with new learning games, including Medical Millionaire and Termbusters. Enhanced audio companion, available on CD or as iTerms downloads for portable media players, helps you perfect your pronunciation skills and confidently use the terms you've learned in practice Table of Contents Part 1: Introduction to Word Parts and Human Body Structure Chapter 1 Introduction to Word Parts Chapter 2 Body Structure, Color, and Oncology Chapter 3 Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes, and Quadrants Part 2: Body Systems Chapter 4 Integumentary System Chapter 5 Respiratory System Chapter 6 Urinary System Chapter 7 Male Reproductive System Chapter 8 Female Reproductive System Chapter 9 Obstetrics and Neonatology Chapter 10 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Chapter 11 Digestive System Chapter 12 Eye Chapter 13 Ear Chapter 14 Musculoskeletal System Chapter 15 Nervous System and Common Behavioral Health Terms Chapter 16 Endocrine System Tables 1-1 Guidelines for Using Combining Vowels 1-2 Word Parts and Combining Vowels 1-3 Techniques to learn Medical Terms Built from Word Parts 2-1 Pronunciation Guide 2-2 Common Plural Endings 3-1 Anatomic Planes and Images 4-1 Common Skin Disorders 4-2 Common Skin Lesions 5-1 Types of Diagnostic Procedures 7-1 Prostate Cancer 8-1 Types of Hysterectomies 8-2 Types of Surgeries Performed to Treat Malignant Breast Tumors 8-3 Endoscopic Surgery {more tables to come} Appendixes A. Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes Alphabetized According to Word Part B. Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes Alphabetized According to Definition C. Additional Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes D. Abbreviations E. Pharmacology Terms F. Health Care Delivery/Managed Care Terms G. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Therapies H. Behavioral Health Terms I. Clinical Research Terms J. Nutrition Terms Answers Bibliography Illustration Credits |
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Exploring Medical Language 9th Edition Chapter 2 Answers
Source: https://www.leaderbook.com.tw/book.php?cat=6&id=6003
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