Puberty refers to the set of biological changes involved in reaching physical and sexual maturity and is universal. Adolescence refers to a life stage between the time puberty begins and the time adult status is approached. This is typically between the age of 10 to 18. In this stage, young people are preparing to take on the roles and responsibilities of adulthood in their culture. It is culturally constructed. The length (1), content (2) and daily experiences of adolescence (3) differ among cultures.

Plato and Aristotle believed that people develop reason in adolescence. In the middle ages, adolescence was seen as a time of innocence. Life-cycle service refers to a period late adolescence and early 20s in which young people would engage in domestic service, farm service or apprenticeships in various trades and crafts. This involved moving out of the family household and into the household of a master to whom the young person was in service for. This occurred between 1500 and 1890.

The period between 1890 and 1920 is known as the Age of adolescence as there were laws restricting child labour (1), requirements for children to attend secondary school (2) and the development of the field of adolescence as an area of scientific study (3).

The theory of recapitulation holds that the development of each individual recapitulates or re-enacts the evolutionary development of the human species as a whole. Adolescence was seen as reflecting a time of evolutionary turmoil and this was used as an explanation why adolescence is characterized by storm and stress.

The idea of storm and stress holds that adolescence is characterized by a period of upheaval and disruption. This is reflected in high rates of conflicts with parents (1), mood disruptions (2) and risk behaviour (3). Adolescence is a period which is not necessarily characterized by storm and stress although it is more likely in this period.

Emerging adulthood refers to the period of life between adolescence and full-adult status. This includes the ages between 18 and 25. This period has five characteristics:

  1. Identity exploration.
  2. Instability (e.g. moving a lot).
  3. Self-focus.
  4. Feeling in-between.
  5. Feelings of possibilities and optimism.

People in this stage explore various possibilities in love and work and move towards making enduring choices. They develop a more definitive identity through trying

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